The saying goes: The eyes are the window to the soul. But, no one said anything about teeth. Perhaps, your smile is the window to your happiness or joy.
Your smile is incredibly important to your sense of self. It shows the world a beautiful part of yourself. Smiling is beneficial to your overall help. In fact, smiling releases endorphins that help make you feel happy.
If your smile isn’t as bright and white as you want, you may be less likely to smile. This can damage your self-esteem and confidence.
Instead of hiding your smile, you should think about whitening your teeth. Your dentist can provide a professional whitening that will give you the smile of your dreams.
How can a professional whitening be beneficial to you?
Less Sensitivity
If you have ever done an at-home whitening treatment, you may have noticed one of many downsides—sensitivity. Whitening treatments use chemicals to bleach your teeth, making them brighter.
While these chemicals are effective at whitening your teeth, they are also known to make your teeth more sensitive. This is because the chemical—hydrogen peroxide—seeps into the pores of your teeth to lift and destroy stains. Unfortunately, one of the side effects includes temporary sensitivity.
Your teeth are not the only ones that can experience sensitivity. It is common for your gums to have increased sensitivity. This is largely because of your application. If you get the whitening chemicals on your gums, they will become more sensitive. Your gums do not have a protective layer like your teeth.
Therefore, they become more sensitive when exposed to whitening chemicals. The best way to avoid this is if you avoid your gums when applying your whitening treatment. However, this is difficult with at-home treatments.
If you go to your dentist, they can give you a precise whitening treatment. They are less likely to get the whitening chemicals on your gums, making the whitening process less uncomfortable. So, they can make your teeth whiter in one appointment, and they can make you feel more comfortable.
Quicker Results
With at-home treatments, it can take weeks or months for you to see results. Then, you may not get the results you desire. Whitening treatments that you get from the store or online are not as effective as professional whitening treatments. Toothpaste, trays, and strips will whiten your teeth over time.
However, they may only lift the color of your teeth by a few shades. Rather than waiting months for a less-than-satisfactory job, you should talk to your dentist about professional whitening.
In one session, your dentist can lift the color of your teeth by several shades. Additionally, you only need to show up to your dental appointment.
You do not have to worry about remembering your whitening strips or LED light therapy. All you have to do is let your dentist do their job. Not only will you get faster, better results, but you also have less to remember.