porcelain veneers bel air

What to Do with a Broken Veneer

Porcelain veneers can help to transform your smile. They offer a stunning and natural-looking appearance. But, accidents happen. As a result, you can occasionally damage your veneers. If you break a veneer, you may panic.

Luckily, there is a process that can help you fix your smile. Additionally, there are ways that you can prevent such mishaps from occurring in the first place.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin shells made of dental porcelain that fit over the front surface of your teeth. They help correct various dental imperfections, including stains, chips, gaps, and minor misalignments. Veneers can provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution to enhance your smile.

What to Do If You Break a Porcelain Veneer?

The first and most crucial step is to contact your dentist as soon as possible. They will assess the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action. Do not attempt to fix the veneer yourself. Without the proper training, this can lead to further complications.

If a piece of the veneer has broken off, try to locate it and keep it in a safe place. In some cases, your dentist may be able to repair the veneer using the broken piece. But, even if the veneer is irreparable, preserving it can help your dentist assess the damage accurately.

Until you can see your dentist, it’s essential to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the damaged veneer. Refrain from chewing on hard or sticky foods with the affected tooth to prevent further damage.

Finally, you should continue to brush and floss your teeth as usual. Make sure that you are gentle around the damaged area. Keeping your teeth and gums clean is essential for preventing any additional complications.

How to Prevent Porcelain Veneer Damage

Most people want to avoid damage in the first place. So, you should follow a few simple steps. 

Good oral hygiene is crucial to protecting your veneers and overall dental health. You should brush and floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup. This can weaken the bond between the veneer and your tooth.

If you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), talk to your dentist about wearing a custom-made mouthguard. Grinding can put excessive pressure on your veneers, leading to damage over time. You are more likely to break or fracture your tooth or veneer with bruxism. 

While porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, they are not indestructible. Limit your consumption of highly pigmented foods and beverages, like coffee and red wine, to prevent staining.

Additionally, avoid biting into extremely hard or crunchy foods like ice or nuts. Furthermore, don’t use void using your teeth to open packages or bite into hard objects. This can damage both your natural teeth and veneers.

Finally, you need to schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings with your dentist. They can assess the condition of your veneers and catch any potential issues early. This process helps to prevent any major damage.

Published by
Dr. Kimberly Comeau

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